New flow measurements in wastewater treatment plants inflow and outflow

Wastewater association Korneuburg (AT) area

The wastewatertreatment plant (WWTP) of the wastewater association of the Korneuburg area was built in the 1980s and designed for 40,000 inhabitants. In 2016, due to the high population growth, the wastewatertreatment plant and the flood pumping station situated upstream had to be extended to 85,000 p.e. and adapted to the state of the art. In the course of this expansion of the Korneuburg wastewater treatment plant, special emphasis was placed on flow measurements, as the Venturi measurements previously used proved to be unreliable and inaccurate. Above all,the strongly fluctuating waste water quantities between dry weather in the summer and mixed water accumulation duringextreme events, or ratherthe large measuring ranges,place high requirements on the measuring technique.

Products in use

Ultrasonic transit time difference measurement with dry weather gutter
The TF Stationary Flow Measurement is a calibrated measuring channel for backflow-free flow measurement of wastewater, raw wastewater and rainwater in open channels or open channels.


«I am delighted with the reliable measurement data and newly gained hydraulic knowledge at the Korneuburg sewage treatment plant!»
DI Dr. Kiril Atanasoff-Kardjalieff
The managing director of the waste water association Korneuburg area