New inlet regulation in the wastewater treatment plant

WastewaterAssociation oberes Lavanttal -wastewater treatment plant Twimberg (AT)

PP-Engineering, Euratsfeld; In course of the extension of the wastewater treatment plant and the adaptation to the state of the art in Twimberg, several tasks were fulfilled by the installation of the STEBATEC discharge control TF-PNA.

Terms of reference

  • Inlet limitation (control) of the maximum mixed water inlet while consideringa second subse-quent inletof concentrated wastewater (during the respective pumping time, the maximum mixed water inlet volume is reduced accordingly).
  • Exact inflow measurement for the purpose of subsequent water distribution into the two downstream box-type basins.•Installation of a system within the inflow channel of the wastewatertreatment plant without additional constructional work.
  • Avoidance of hydraulic loss by installing the throttle unit.
  • The throttle value can be variably parameterised/adjusted over the entire discharge spectrum.
  • Removable and easy to maintain.
  • Continuous transmission of all data to the process control system.

Products in use

The reliable discharge control for wastewater and rainwater
Precise and easy to maintain throttle system for stormwater tanks and wastewater structures. The fast, almost self-cleaning and remotely controllable butterfly valve with pneumatic actuator is based on the flow measurement integrated in the system and limits the flow to an arbitrarily adjustable quantity. As long as the maximum flow is not reached, the flap remains open, while the flow measurement system measures precisely even when partially filled.