Attacks from the Internet

Subject your network to a cybersecurity check


With the increasing degree of digitalisation of the public supply and disposal infrastructure, the risks of hacker attacks are also increasing.

With our audit service package, we check where possible security gaps exist and support you in taking the necessary precautions to protect your systems and facilities.

Our IT security experts will be happy to advise you on the following topics:

  • Inventory
  • Vulnerability scan
  • Detection of network malware in the existing system
  • Security audit
  • Sensitisation of employees in dealing with security at the workplace
    Recommendations for action according to ICT (information and communication technology) guidelines

If the employees’ sense of responsibility and acceptance for cybersecurity can be increased, dangers and risks will be significantly reduced. This has a positive effect on every company from every point of view.

See also our offer: IT, Network, Cybersecurity