SQS has confirmed our competence & quality

Successful certification according to ISO 9001 & ISO 14001

We have successfully completed the certification process and are now certified according to ISO 14001 for environmental management and ISO 9001 for the quality management system.

After the successful certification process, the STEBATEC management received the certificate according to ISO 9001 for the quality management system and 14001 for the environmental management system of the SQS – Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems from the auditor Roland Rösti personally and with much praise.

During 2 years we have intensively documented our processes and revised and optimised them together with Hansueli Müller from Müller und Partner GmbH.

In January, the audit took place and we were awarded the certificate without any deviations or side issues. We are very grateful for the intensive and great cooperation with all those involved and are proud of the result, which is a team effort. In addition to the certificate, the entire process has had a positive effect on us.

We are continuously working on providing the best service for our customers.

Please see our quality standards: Confirmed Expertise & Quality | STEBATEC